Thu âm giới thiệu công ty Cushman & wakefield bằng Tiếng Anh

Liên hệ

Nhà sản xuất:

We believe that ‘life is what we make it’. That’s why we make an impact with everything we do, all around the world. Our purpose inspires us: We make an impact. Our values unite us: We are inclusive - We are a global company shaping diverse communities, inclusivity goes beyond an ethos into everyday action. We are driven - With...

We believe that ‘life is what we make it’. That’s why we make an impact with everything we do, all around the world. Our purpose inspires us: We make an impact. Our values unite us: We are inclusive - We are a global company shaping diverse communities, inclusivity goes beyond an ethos into everyday action. We are driven - With a united belief that ‘life is what we make it’, we can be more driven, more agile and we can be ourselves. We are collaborative - We are a global network of people who are able to make some pretty amazing things happen, because we do it together. We are insightful - We are a company built by over 100 years of digging deeper for insights, ideas, opportunities and innovation.

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Tel: 0927102666 – 0982893560

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